Welcome to BFMC’s Regulation!


Powered by Bosch Romania and IEEE-ITSS.

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This document outlines the regulations for the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge (hereafter referred to as “BFMC”).

BFMC is a competition that provides a platform and the entire environment for students to develop, over approximately 6 months, the core functionalities of a 1:10 scale autonomous vehicle (like lane keeping, navigating intersections, reacting to traffic lights, navigating based on localisation data and, of course, reacting to other traffic participants, such as other cars or pedestrians.)

The challenge began in 2017 with the aim of attracting students to the field of autonomous engineering. Since then, it has been held annually in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with English as the official language.

At the end of the development period, teams will demonstrate their solutions for an autonomous vehicle to an international jury, which will award the winners with substantial prizes.

BFMC participants should frequently visit the competition’s web page,especially the Competition Forum (accessible on the website after team acceptance), to obtain essential challenge-related information. The Forum serves as the primary communication channel with the organisers during the challenge.

For inquiries about the application and selection process, or other confidential matters, teams may contact the Organising Team at: futuremobilitychallenge@bosch.com.

Official code and additional information are also available on our GitHub page.

The Organising Team has the authority to modify the regulation. However, changes will occur only if necessary to ensure a fair and enjoyable competition for all participants.