Registration and selection

Eligibility criteria

The competition is open to participants from all over the world.

All participants must be enrolled in a higher-level educational institution (or a recognised development program, e.g.,

Each participant may be part of only one team, including the mentor.

Team structure

Team Leader (mandatory)
  • Must be a student enrolled in an academic institution (high school, bachelor’s, or master’s)

  • Roles:
    • Acts as the liaison between the team and the organisers.

    • Must be familiar with the state of the project and ensure compliance with regulations.

    • Ensures that all team deadlines are met.

Mentor (mandatory)
  • Must be an active academic or research member of the university, ranging from PhD Students, Researchers up to Professors

  • Roles:
    • Guide the team through the entire project without directly developing on it.

    • Help out in case the team gets stuck on some topics.

    • Offer mentorship where needed

Team Members

  • Each team must consist of a minimum of 2 (two) and a maximum of 4 (four) members.

  • Must be students enrolled in an academic institution (high school, bachelor’s, or master’s)ter)

  • The following roles may help the team achieve the desired results if performed correctly:

  • Software Engineer (2 people recommended, max 4) Roles:
    • Programming the autonomous functions of the vehicle.

    • Ensuring that all data is used properly, and the code runs in real-time.

    • Real-time monitoring and debugging.

    • Integrating V2X functions.

    • Ensuring robustness and redundanc

  • Electrical/Electronics/Mechatronics Engineer (recommended) Roles:
    • Integrating and using sensors and motors.

    • uC programming

    • Communication protocol

    • Understanding vehicle mechanics

    • PCB design and integration

    • Vehicle control theory.

  • AI/DL/ML Engineer (recommended) Roles:
    • Developing and training models for perception, object classification and scene understandingg models for perception, object classification and scene understanding

    • Optimising the models.


When: From 1 October 2024 to 31 October 2024 EET (Eastern European Time).

The team application form will be filled out and submitted by the team leader through the registration form available on the competition website. The team leader must create an account on the website and register the team by filling in all the required data via the registration form, including the data of all team members.

The following should be considered:
  • Only the team leader should create an account during the registration period.

  • The account creation and the registration form will be available solely during the period of registration, while the rest of the team will be invited to the website by its leader if the team is accepted.

  • All the accounts and data of the teams that were not selected will be deleted by the start of the challenge

Interview phase

When: From 4 November 2024 to 14 November 2024, EET (Eastern European Time).

A first screening will take place and the organisers will individually contact the teams that pass this stage for an online interview.

The interview will be with the entire team, where the interviewer will analyse it as a whole, not the individuals. Selection criteria will be based, but not limited to:
  • Motivation and goal of the team.

  • Links between the competition topics and personal/university projects of the team members.

  • Proven interest and experience in similar contests.

  • Team synergy.

Wild cards

The teams that reached the finals during the previous edition are admitted to the current edition without an interview, if they register for the new edition.

For a team to receive the wild card, it must meet the following criteria:
  • Have the same name as in the previous edition.

  • Have the same mentor as in the previous edition.

  • Have at least one member from the previous edition.

For exceptional cases (such as different mentor, different name, etc.), an e-mail with the explanation of the change should be sent to he organising team via the communication channel. The organisers will reply if the team is eligible for the wild card or not.


When: 15 November 2024 EET (Eastern European Time).

Each team will be contacted with the result (acceptance or rejection). A list of the next steps will be provided to the selected teams. At this point, the kits will either be dispatched or made available for collection at the Kick-off.

Kick-off meeting

When: 18 November 2024 EET (Eastern European Time).

This event marks the start of the competition. For the teams located near the Bosch Centres part of the challenge, the meeting will be physical, otherwise, it will be online. If the team joins online, the kit will be sent out via courier, otherwise, it will be handed out physically at the Bosch location.

During the meeting, the members of the organising team will introduce themselves to the selected teams, while the exact schedule of the competition will be presented, together with the platforms provided and how to access them. At the end of the meeting, there will be a question-and-answer session to allow participants to clarify any uncertainties.

Prior project development

When: By 22 November 2024 EET (Eastern European Time).

The team leader must create accounts on the website for all the team members, ensuring their accessibility to all the competition documentation and features.