Additional aspects

Here are some important additional aspects to consider for the competition:

Winning team platform

The platform will serve as a showcase for the winning team’s solution, allowing us to gather valuable, constructive technical feedback. This will help elevate the challenge to the next level. Please note that the platform will not be used for any sales purposes.


In the spirit of fostering a dynamic and collaborative atmosphere, participants are strongly encouraged to collaborate openly to promote shared learning and innovative thinking. However, to maintain the integrity of the competition, ensure fairness and uphold the principle of showcasing individual creativity and skills, each project must be unique. While collaboration is encouraged, participants are prohibited from submitting identical or overly similar projects. By adhering to these guidelines, participants will contribute to the enriching experience of both collaboration and healthy competition, creating a space where innovation thrives while maintaining fairness.

Marketing of other companies

Representing equipment from other companies (e.g., clothing, flags, banners) during the challenge itself is not allowed.

However, sponsorship is permitted, and a designated area for displaying these sponsors on the vehicle is shown below. Meanwhile, the team’s social media platforms may feature these sponsors at any time. Details of the sponsors could also be included in the presentation video shown after the qualification stage and in the presentation of the teams to the jury.


Modification of the team structure

Teams are allowed to make changes to their structure subject to the following conditions:
  • Modifications can be done only after the team is accepted into the competition (which means no modifications between application submission and results communication).

  • Changes can only be made until the qualifications stage.

  • Removal of team members is permitted.

  • Only one new member can be added to the team, as long as the team’s maximum capacity is not exceeded. The team leader must initiate the change via the competition website and provide the necessary documentation for the team member, similar to the application. The addition of the member will be analysed as in the application and it may be rejected.

Modification of the vehicle

Teams can modify their vehicle subject to the following conditions:
  • Modifications must be officially requested on the competition forum, along with links to suppliers for pre-built parts (e.g., link to Nvidia Jetson nano official webpage, if that’s the subject of the acquisition)

  • All modifications must be approved by the organising team to be valid and accepted for the challenge.

  • Modifications should adhere to a budget limit of 1000 euros, corresponding to the items’ value at the time of the request.

  • For custom products such as 3D prints or PCBs, there is no budget estimation.

  • Any device should not exceed the vehicle’s body limit in width or length.

  • Any device should not exceed 30 cm limit in height (from the ground level)

Development know-how

Students are responsible for conceptualising and implementing the vehicle’s code themselves. While engaging in technical discussions with academic staff, company engineers or other relevant stakeholders is encouraged, direct development assistance from external team members is prohibited. Failure to comply with this guideline may result in the team’s disqualification from the competition.

Intellectual property

Teams are required to ensure that any modifications, software, and other developed assets adhere to intellectual property laws. All work submitted must be original or properly attributed, and teams must refrain from infringing upon copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

Property rights and Code Sharing

The intellectual property rights of written code belong to the respective teams. However:

Code sharing with the organising team It is crucial to note that all shared information with the organising team, including code, will remain confidential and will not be shared with other participants for commercial purposes, only as a checking of the code’s functionality.

Code sharing with other teams If a team willingly shares their code with other participating teams, it is understood that the team sharing the code relinquishes its exclusive rights to the code’s ownership. This decision implies that the code becomes accessible to and usable by other teams, and the original team may no longer retain sole ownership over it.

The intellectual property rights of written code belong to the respective teams. However:

Data transmission

During the competition runs, no data or signals may be exchanged between the vehicle and the outside world, except for necessary signals required by the vehicle-to-everything or the dashboard (running on the team’s main computer). Any unauthorised communication detected will result in the immediate disqualification of the team from the competition.

Additional work with the vehicle

Participants are encouraged to engage in activities related to the competition, such as academic, personal, corporate, or contest-related endeavours. When using the name, theme, hardware or software of the competition in such activities, competitors must inform the Organising Team and provide relevant details. The Organising Team may assist in the form of development, components, or even expertise.

Platform’s naming

If any pages or accounts are created (e.g., GitHub, social media, websites) that reference the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge and involve the Bosch name or partners’ brands, the competition name (“BFMC” or “Bosch Future Mobility Challenge”) must be used along with relevant links or references to the competition itself.

Code of conduct

Throughout the competition, all participants are expected to exhibit sportsmanship behaviour. Any behaviour that may harm competitors, associates, or the brand of involved companies will lead to penalties, including immediate team elimination from the current competition and potentially from future ones.

Participants must follow safety instructions issued by the organisers, including training at the Bosch location. Failure to follow instructions or guidelines may result in the team being disqualified from the challenge.

Participants are responsible for preventing injury and damage to the vehicle through careless behaviour, and in terms of sensor setup, all components within the vehicle must conform to public use safety guidelines. Teams must ensure that the installation or handling of sensors and motors does not pose a risk to third parties. Questions regarding sensors should be directed to the organisers before the competition. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in immediate disqualification from the competition.