The track

The competition map will be made available in the competition documentation. It is designed to simulate various scenarios and world conditions (all described under the scoring and prizes section) while respecting the traffic rules of the competition (described down below).

Road markings

The track features various road elements such as:
  • Straight road sections,

  • Curves,

  • Crosswalks,

  • One-way roads,

  • Two-way roads,

  • Highways,

  • Intersections (with 3 or 4 road encounters),

  • Parallel parking spots,

  • Roundabouts,

  • Ramp,

  • Missing road sections,

  • Bus lane,

  • Tunnel.

The lane width is around 35 cm wide, while the lanes are 2 cm wide (unless specified otherwise).

Detailed dimensions of each element are provided in the competition documentation.

Trafic rules

The vehicle must adhere to general traffic rules:
  • Right-Side Driving: The vehicle must drive on the right side of the road, on the right lane.

  • Line Markings:
    • Dashed Line: The vehicle must overtake obstacle vehicles if it’s safe to do so.

    • Continuous Line: The vehicle must tail the encountered obstacle vehicle and cannot overtake.

  • Pedestrian at Crosswalk: When a pedestrian signals the intention to cross the street (i.e., is slightly within road markings) at the crosswalk, the vehicle must stop until the pedestrian has crossed.

  • Pedestrian on Road: When a pedestrian is encountered in the middle of the road, whether surrounded by dashed lines or not, the vehicle must stop and wait for the pedestrian to pass.

  • Highway Lane Usage: On a highway, the vehicle must drive on the second lane (the margin one).

  • Roundabout navigation: When inside the roundabout, vehicle must navigate it counter-clockwise.

  • Speed limitations
    • Highway area: minimum 40 cm/s, maximum 60 cm/s

    • city area: minimum 20 cm/s, maximum 40 cm/s

  • BUS Lane: It’s not to be touched by the vehicle.

The following action should be taken when the specified road signalling is encountered (each can be encountered):



Traffic light

RED - vehicle must stop and wait.

Green - vehicle must proceed.

Yellow Vehicle must proceed with caution.

Traffic sign - Stop

The vehicle must halt 3 seconds before the intersection.

Traffic sign - Pakring

The vehicle must visibly slow down, find an empty parking spot and then park.

Traffic sign - Crosswalk

The vehicle must visibly slow down on crosswalk.

Traffic sign - Priority

The vehicle must go into the intersection without stopping.

Traffic sign - Highway entry

The vehicle must adhere to highway rules.

Traffic sign - Highway end

The vehicle must adhere to city rules.

Traffic sign - One-way

Indicates a one-way road that the vehicle must follow.

Traffic sign - roundabout

Indicates a roundabout; the vehicle must follow the roundabout rules.

Traffic sign - no-entry

Indicates a non-entry road which the vehicle must avoid.


The competition provides a set of systems that handle the connectivity aspect of the challenge. These systems replicate the environment of a smart city and offer participants diverse ways to develop their projects, making it available for them to fusion and validate data, request and send shared data.

The systems that will be available are:
  • A localization system

  • A live traffic monitor

  • Smart traffic lights

Localization system
  • It is a physical box that will be placed on top of the car itself during the run on the track.

  • It has the purpose of retrieving the car position on the track, and it shares this position with the Traffic Communicaiton Server

  • The system has a maximum error radius of 20 cm and a delay of up to 0.5 seconds, sharing it’s position with a frequency of 5Hz

Traffic communication system
  • Each car must send data to an in-house traffic communication system, including vehicle speed, vehicle position and vehicle orientation, once every 3 seconds or less.

  • Each car must send data to an in-house traffic communication system regarding the enctoutnered obstacles (once x every obstacle, includes obstacle position and type).

  • Each car can request it’s position to the traffic communication system.

  • The data is used to re-create the details of the run that the car has just performed and then be evaluated on that.

Smart traffic light
  • Traffic lights share their status on the network, indicating their color state, and their position on the map. The frequency of the sent messages being of 1 Hz.

Ambient disturbance

Certain areas of the track experience varying light conditions, including shaded areas and direct sunlight. The position of such places is not static.


Here you can find the competition map with the road markings and the rough position of each fixed element.

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